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Costa Rica Bus Schedules
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Bus Schedules - Like every good traveler learns sooner or later there are a number ways of traveling in a country. But only one of these, a seasoned practitioner will tell you, is the best way of really 'experiencing' it.Mira-Lock

The only way of really 'experiencing' the tropical paradise of Costa Rica is by getting yourself on a bus! Yes it might sound ridiculous but there really is no better way of sinking yourself into the real Costa Rica experience than getting up close and personal with her highways and mountainous roads.

You may of course consider renting a car a better option, but do take into account that this tends to be an expensive affair, especially for young drivers. Also accidents are common since the roads are badly marked. Since the cars are ill-kept, it's not unusual for drivers to get stranded in the middle of nowhere. And by nowhere, we mean literally NOWHERE, no telephones or gas stations visible for miles…getting lost in Costa Rica is a whole different ball game.

But despite the infernal roads and the skin tingling danger of it all, Costa Rica is easy enough to grapple with if you get yourself on one of her buses. Costa Rica's bus system is an efficient, effective and enjoyable way of visiting every possible corner of the country. Be it the beaches, the national parks, cities, towns, villages the bus system will take you wherever you want to go for peanuts.

Unlike in most other parts of the world the Bus service n Costa Rica is punctual and regular. In case you find yourself in a terminal before the due time for your bus queue up and wait for it. Or, if it's leaving the morning after, book yourself into one of the hotels next to the terminal and enjoy the excitement of a sudden departure.

Schedules are a bit of a problem since hardly anything of the sort really exists. Sure, the bus drivers and the ticket sellers have the timetable embedded into their heads, but sadly enough they don't speak any language other than Spanish. Also they seem to be fabulously unaware of the concept of printing schedules (the only printed ones available are hardly ever quite up to date).

If you have, therefore, made up your mind to avail the bus services do remember to equip yourself with accurate information about schedules. Also do stay prepared with a few regular Spanish phrases, these should help you communicate better. If you are traveling over a distance do not expect a place t sit, because long distance buses are usually crowded. Do remember to buy your ticket in advance especially if you are traveling in the weekend or a holiday.

If you are traveling by bus try and get hold of the schedules and costs of trips from these sources, teatro_nacional_2b

1) ALAJUELA / AIRPORT from San José - DEP. ev. day ev. 5 mins. A.2, C.10/14 from 4:00 to 22:00; RET. from 4:30 to 22:00hrs; 17 km; 0:30 hrs.Tuasa company, Tel. 222-5325

2) BARVA VOLCANO from Heredia - DEP. Mon.-Fri. from Central Market at 6:30, 11:00, 16:00; RET. 7:30, 13:00, 17:00. Sat. 6:30, 11:00, 16:00. Sun. 11:00, 16:00; RET. 1 hour later. Walk 6km to the park entrance, then 4km to the lagoon.

3) BRIBRI from Limón - DEP. from Radio Casino at 5:00, 8:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 18:00, RET. 6:15, 9:00, 11:15,12:30, 14:15, 16:15; 2hrs $1.35 **. Auto-Transportes Mepe S.A. company. Tel. 758-1572

4) MANAGUA NICARAGUA (express bus from San Jose )- DEP. ev. day from terminal Transnica at 5:30, RET. 7:00; 450 kms, 10 hrs. Deluxe Service. Transnica company. Tel. 256-9072

5) PANAMA CITY from San José- DEP. ev. day 275 at 14:00; RET. 12:30; 225 kms, 18 hrs (pay at the bus), $43.00 Round trip.

However, check the Costa Rica bus schedules before you go.

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