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Costa Rica Entertainment
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Entertainment - Costa Rica has a strict policy against boredom; it simply doesn't ALLOW it. So if you are expecting to spend an uneventful vacation, complete with the usual bouts of homesickness you can really think again. No one in Costa Rica gets the time to indulge in boredom, because there is SO MUCH TO DO!chicken bus

If you are a party person get your dancing shoes on cause this country sure has fodder for you. Once the sun is down the nightlong parties flicker to life. If you have decided to drop your anchor at San Jose or even Puerto Vieja de Talamanca or Jaco or Tamarindo prepare for some long hard partying. These cities never sleep and their nightlife is simply electric. Even if you are the spoilsport, party-pooper kind you will hardly be able to resist Costa Rica's charm.

And that's not all. If the parties don't manage to get you hooked (which in itself is hardly a possibility) the museums will. Choose from over 30 different museums scattered all over the capital city itself. From the Museo de oro Precolombino (the Museum of Precolombian Gold) under the Plaza de la Cultura to the Museo de Moneda (or the Coin Museum) situated in the same building, you have a wide variety to choose from. The plaza will also give you information about all the concerts happening in the city, so keep your eyes and ears open and alert.

If the Museums fail to do the trick too, head off to the art galleries. The Banco de Costa Rica gallery is one of the best options at hand. Crayons Gallery , Facultad de Bellas Artes, Expression Park, Galleria Bellas Arte etc. have some of the best pre-colombian gold collections.

If all that is too slow for your taste don't worry you won't be left out in the cold either. Get yourself to one of the many cinema theatres in the city of San Jose and catch the latest Hollywood Flick. And once you are done with that relax with a sumptuous meal at one of the restaurants. In Costa Rica, food is an art form, and good food a common interest. Indulge your taste buds with gourmet dishes from all over the world. Everything from Spanish cuisine to South American delicacies to even Sushi (!) find their way into the great food cauldron in Costa Rica. So dig in deep and allow the taste to sink in.

In case you have reason to feel lucky try your fortune at the countless casinos in the city. Try your hand at a game of Poker or Blackjack. Who knows how Costa Rica might help coax your lady luck into smiling at you?

If you are apprehensive about jumping onto the party bandwagon simply cause you have two left feet fret no longer! You can't possibly be let to miss all the fun simply because you can't boogie. Quickly enroll yourself into one of the dance schools in the city and learn a few quick Salsa or tango moves. And next time a party happens remember to show your newly acquired dancing skills off.teatro_nacional_2b

A horde of Costa Rica entertainment centers such as Jazz bars, clubs, watering holes, concerting halls, bull fighting stadiums etc. map out the rich and vibrant events you might keep yourself busy with during your visit to Costa Rica. If you have nothing to do, not much money to spend or are on a tight schedule head off to El Pueblo in Downtown San Jose to catch live music and mariachi bands etc. If all that seems too much of a mad rush to you then relax at one of the luxurious Costa Rican spas or health clubs. Or go to the famous Arenal Volcano area and immerse yourself in the fabulous hot springs of the area. Get yourself a calming massage on the beach and let Costa Rica sink into your veins.

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