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Costa Rica Vacations
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Vacations - For all the natural beauties you expect to find in a country coupled with friendly and amicable people along with not too expensive tour plans, Costa Rica is definitely going to be your ideal holiday. The heaven that this nation is you could never stop coming back to this place of utmost splendor. With a heritage in the nature this country exhibits, every little corner of nature is preserved for over a hundred years. Feel at home in this beautiful, petite country with the most desirable climate and plush wildlife. All in all a dream holiday.hotelhappyhouse

Take your trip of the natural wonder that is Costa Rica. There are three wide mountain ranges stretching across the country, Guanacaste, Talamanca and the Central volcanic range. These ranges also include a few volcanoes, which might take you by surprise. In fact there might be over a hundred of them. Hills in the Central Highland often turn out to be volcanoes. Exquisite beauty lies in the rolling hills, which fortunately are mostly inactive volcanoes. Also there are beautiful beaches for you to traverse.
Do visit the Arenal , Chirripo and the Guanacaste National Parks. They are the most amazing of the 124 sanctuaries here in Costa Rica. These parks, all of them together, cover about 3 million acres of land of this country. They host over 500,000 species of animals. Take for instance the Tortuguero National Park. This is a preserved rainforest, which is inhabited by 16 of Costa Rica's most endangered species. Also the beauty on behold in the forest is like what a rainforest was decades back.

You are wondering now that what essentially would be the best time of the year when you could possibly come down to Costa Rica.
The best time is probably during the months between December and April, as it is mostly dry then. You could also visit Costa Rica in course of the rainy season; this would probably mean encountering muddy roads, which are quite a hindrance. But forget the mess, here's time and scope for some adventure. Get a four wheeler and some gear to counter the raindrops and set out on the roll of a ride you have always missed out on, shooting your way atop the cloudy mountains with the tires of your vehicle gripping tight to the muddy, rutty roads.

Take your camera along to the rain forests, this time it is the rainy season, a plethora of the rare and usual species of animals await you. There are all the 870 different bird species you could expect to find in Costa Rica. Not to forget the 1000 different butterfly species and also the there habitats, stretching from sea level, climbing up over 12000 feet over sea level atop the Costa Rican peaks and mountains. Particularly exciting is the no. of birds this country has on display. Bird watchers are therefore going to have a time of your lives, the rarest the most beautiful species ever. Feel the excitement of natural discoveries as you tread the rainforests in eager expectation all the time.

Were you going to miss out on all that?

But then again be careful, if you are not sure about this season and you find the terrain particularly unfamiliar come in the dry season and keep the trip in the rainy season for a secondary plan.semanasanta

Driving is the most fun sport in Costa Rica zoom past the beaches, down the cliffs in your four wheelers, the wind gushes through and you could hear it speak in your ears. Take to the rugged dry roads, blow the dust around everywhere and feel the heat, all the adrenaline you hardly expected to possess has been pumped into your veins and driving was never more fun or simply more exciting!!
What else do you need??!!

Pack your bags then and let the ride begin to your Costa Rica vacations!

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Costa Rica Airline Schedules
by Wolf Sebring

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Costa Rica Spanish Courses
by Wolf Sebring

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Costa Rica Music
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Costa Rica Culture - Costa Rica is often lovingly called "The Switzerland of the Americas". This nomenclature has emerged not just due to her beautiful natural scenery and Costa Rican culture but also due to her long-standing democratic tradition and
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