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Costa Rica Culture - Americas Switzerland
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Culture - Costa Rica is often lovingly called "The Switzerland of the Americas". This nomenclature has emerged not just due to her beautiful natural scenery and Costa Rican culture but also due to her long-standing democratic tradition and conflict resolution. Costa Rica boasts of a whooping 95% literacy rate, on of the highest in the world. The Costa Rican education system has proved to be a success and helped mould a stable democracy. The voting system of the country is systematic and secure. Everyone, including the indigenous people of the country (who gained their voting rights in 1994) participate in the voting system and help erect Governments. Spider-monkey

Costa Ricans do not have the same racial tensions so prevalent up in the north. However, despite their vehement denial of any racial conflict most Costa Ricans are highly aware of their unique 'whiteness'. That their complexion is starkly different from all other Latin Americans is a well-acknowledged fact. As of 1989 98% of the population of Costa rica consisted of Whites (or Mestizo's) the remaining 2% consists of the black or indigenous people. A number of 'Ticos' (Costa Ricans) look down upon the indigenous population. Till 1949 the Blacks weren't permitted to go beyond a certain Atlantic province. Despite these obvious racial currents though confrontations are rare to none and discrimination is done discreetly.

Class division in Costa Rica is not as stark as in other Latin American countries. Most of the people can easily be clubbed under the middle class bracket. Though poverty is a persistent issue it isn't an overriding problem. Income is low, when you take into consideration that Costa Rica is theoretically a developed country. However salaries and earnings in Costa Rica prove to be far better than those in their neighboring countries. Apart from the middle class and the poor there is the upper elitist pseudo aristocratic class consisting of the old rich families and the new rich families (or the nouveau riche). Though these class disparities exist they aren't quite as obvious and the society seems to primarily consist of the middle class, giving an impression of societal homogeneity. mystic-forest

People visiting Costa Rica hardly ever escape its quite charm. The most appealing feature of Costa Rican culture is its impeccable sense of moderation. In today's world where extremes and excesses are the rule of the day Costa Rican temperance is almost therapeutic. The Tico's traditionally believe in peace and compromise rater than rebellion and hostility. Tico's are faith loving people but not fanatics. They are conscious of their differences but not discriminatory. It is because of this love for the middle path which makes Costa Rica culture such an admired culture.

Living History Costa Rica Articles:
Costa Rica Travel Guide
by Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Travel Guide - Costa Rica beckons all you tourists from around the world who are looking for the ultimate getaway like never before. Here are a few details, which might come in handy when you plan to come down to Costa Rica. %IMAGE_ALIGN_R
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Costa Rica Internet Service
by Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Internet Service - In Costa Rica acquiring an Internet connection requires you to apply to Grupo ICE and their subsidiary RACSA (or Radiografica Costarricense S.A.). These offer a number of Internet connection packages, some of these maybe
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Costa Rica Real Estate : Past, Present and Future
by Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica real estate has not always been a hot commodity. In fact, in the 1970's and 1980's it was as Nicaragua stands now, on the brink of a major real estate boom with available low cost prime real estate everywhere. Individuals that purchase
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Costa Rica Vacations
by Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Vacations - For all the natural beauties you expect to find in a country coupled with friendly and amicable people along with not too expensive tour plans, Costa Rica is definitely going to be your ideal holiday. The heaven that this natio
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