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Costa Rica Boat schedules
by: Wolf Sebring

Costa Rica Boat schedules in various neighborhoods in Costa Rica can be accessed by means of a car only by crossing a river on a ferry. The longest of these ferry rides is a trip across the Gulf of Nicoya from the Puntarenas to the southern part of the Nicoya Peninsula. You can choose one out of the three ferries available for this trip. Each takes about an hour to complete its tour. Although you will also have to allow yourself 1 more hour as waiting time, since most of the ferries tend to be crowded and in case you aren't there at least an hour early you will have to wait for the next boat.tortuguero-canal

Everything from cattle to cars, cargo to trucks, buses to passenger cars get stuffed into tiny little ferryboats. How they fit and how they re-emerge unharmed is one of the greatest mysteries in the world. Despite the wide variety of vehicles which find their way into the boats some vehicles are clearly given priority. Buses, no matter how far down they in the queue tend to get the first priority if they are around.

Incase you are a little far down the line ask a nearby truck driver if you are likely to make it into the boat for the present trip. It's eerie how they can always tell! Once you are on board try and indulge in a little local small talk. There is no better way of perfecting your Spanish and of course meeting new, interesting locals.

The various Boats and their respective schedules or on these lines,

1.Puntarenas - Playa Naranjo.
Departure From: Puntarenas
Time - 6:00
Departure from: Playa Naranjo
Time - 7:30
Can fit up to 30 vehicles (though the number varies with their size). On board you can hope to be treat yourself with Beer, cold drinks and light snacks.

2.Puntarenas - Paquera.
This boat travels further down the peninsula all the way from Playo Naranjo and finally ends up at the village of Paquera. It can therefore help you save a lot of time which you would ordinarily have to spend driving to Tambor or the base of the peninsula.

However, it is not directed to you happy beer drinkers and does not offer you a cold pint on board. Not only beer you wont even find an innocent bottle of soft drink aboard this ship! The boat is operated by the Playa Hotel, but it is open to the general public.

Departure from- Puntarenas
Time -4:30
Departure from – Paquera
Time - 4:30
A third, bigger ferry boat is also operated by the Paqueras community. This works as a filler between the schedules of the other boats.

3.Puntarenas - Paquera.
Only for passengers this boat departs everyday from the rear or the Puntarenas market.
Departure from – Puntarenas
Time – 11:30 | 16:00
Departure from – Paquera
Time - 7:30 | 14:00

The Rio Tempisque Ferry Crosses to the upper mid-peninsula region of the Nicoya peninsula, which includes cities such as Nicoya and the famous beaches of Samara and Nosara.
Time – 5 A.M to 6/7 P.M

Don't use this ferry if you are headed for Playa Flamingo or some other area in the north.

Cross the Tempisque bridge instead. Do not forget to drop by for a bite at Rio Coto Ferry. The ferry of choice, when you are off to Zancudo or Pavones through the short route. The Rio Coto turns halfway between Rio Claro and Golfito.

If you arrive at the crossing only to find no one attending the boat, honk your car horn a few times. Youngsters will soon appear and start up the engine and propel the boat across the river. Not more than 3 cars are usually allowed on board. Even if the old Datsun engine of the boat gives in and refuses to come to life there is hardly any need to worry, rest assured, the youngsters will manage to pull the ferry across by means of an outboard motor of some sort. The Rio Cotto ferry Boat will never leave you stranded on the river bank. mystic-forest

Golfito- Zancudo

If you don't have a car tagging along with you use a 'water taxi' to move back and forth in the Dolce Golfo area. Passenger ferries also ply regularly between Golfito and Puerto Jimenez, both on the Osa Peninsula.

(Note that Costa Rica boat schedules are apt to change from time to time. Check before you go.).

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